Now that that's out of the way, all I have left to do is introduce myself and properly say what I'm attempting to do with this blog. Well, as many of my friends will know (probably 99% of the people that will read this blog are my friends anyway...) I love, love, love all things film. And to top that off, I love all things US TV too. Give me a bit of True Blood or Supernatural anyday of the week and I'll be grinning from ear to ear. Anywho, I hope to use this blog not to ramble (you'll be pleased to hear!) but as an attempt at sampling my reviewing skills. I try to head down to my local Odeon at least once a week, unless the world is ending, to see all the new films (aided by free tickets from the boyf's brother, a cinema worker!) so I'm hoping to supply you, my glorious audience, with some in-depth info on what I think about films. Might be worth noting that it takes alot for me to hate a film...someone once said to me that it was a sweet quality, that I 'see the good in every film'. Perhaps that's true. Or perhaps I'm just a whiny girl, who knows?!
Anywho, I think these blogs will be a bit few and far between for a while, and probably comprising of some of my favourite movies/shows first, just until I get in to the swing of things.
Please bear with me! Hopefully I can get my first review up over the weekend - I'm thinking I Love You, Man - hello Paul Rudd!
Adios amigos....I'll be back.
Just realised it's Friday 13th...does this mean my blog is going to go badly?! Oh dear...